Course Creation / Migration Request
IMPORTANT: The following web form is for GSE courses ONLY. If your course is at another school at Penn, please click here for information about how to request your course site. Please enable the Penn VPN GlobalProtect when requesting course sites from off-campus locations.
Please log into the GSE Canvas Course Request website with your PennKey (Note: Please enable the Penn VPN GlobalProtect when requesting course sites from off-campus locations. ), then follow the instructions on the website to request and create a Canvas course site. This website will only list registered courses and instructors/TAs.
Note: The University’s registrar's system enrolls students, TAs, instructors and co-instructors to Canvas courses every 24 hours. Please contact the GSE Student Records Office to add TAs, official student auditors, and co-instructors to courses. Be sure to review our Canvas User Policy for more information.
If you do not find your course assignments or have any questions or concerns, please submit a ticket to the GSE-IT Support Portal or send an email to Canvas Support at Penn GSE.
1. If you are submitting a bulk request to create multiple Canvas sites for your program
Please download and fill out the Canvas Site Bulk Creation Template. Then email the completed form to Canvas Support at Penn GSE. GSE IT will follow up with questions and notify you once the course sites have been created in Canvas.
2. If you are submitting a request to create/migrate only ONE course for an instructor
Please submit a ticket to the GSE-IT Support Portal or send an email to Canvas Support at Penn GSE with the course ID and term (e.g., EDUC 5400-001 202330). Once you submit your request, GSE IT will follow up with questions and notify you once the course is available in Canvas.