Student Forms Library
Academic Forms
Doctoral Students
- Register for doctoral preliminary examination
- Request dissertation research abroad registration
- Request to exceed 4.0 course units (doctoral students)
**Oral proposal hearing and final defense hearing requests must be submitted at least two weeks in advance of the date the hearing is to take place.
- Request formation & approval of dissertation committee (Enter your Penn ID; Select “Add New Requirement,” then select “Dissertation Committee,” and enter your committee members.
- PhD students please use the Penn Grad Forms to submit your Disseration Committee form.
- Schedule oral proposal hearing
- Schedule your final defense hearing
- EDUC995 Dissertation First-Time Registration Request
All Students
- Committee on Degrees Please confirm your submission by emailing Chris Kubik Cedeño, Director of Academic Affairs, at
- Withdrawal Request Form
- Request transfer of credit
- Independent study course approval
- Joint or dual degree plan of study A joint degree is where the student earns one degree in two fields at once (i.e., Ph.D. in Anthropology and a Ph.D. in Higher Education), and a dual degree is where a student earns two degrees in two fields (i.e., J.D. in Law and an M.S.Ed. in Education Policy). See form for more information.
- Request a leave of absence
- Return from leave of absence form
- Register for master's comprehensive examination
- Request a dual major A dual major is where the student is enrolled in two different programs at GSE. See form for more information.
- Request for student data update (change of legal name, social security number, marital status, date of birth, citizenship status)
- EDUC9990 Master’s/Doctoral Completion registration request