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Staff Directory

To access the Penn Staff Directory

  1. Visit the Penn Directory
  2. Use "Find a Person" (directory listings are provided as a public service and are not to be used for solicitation.)

To edit your Penn Personal Profile

  1. Visit the Penn Directory
  2. Choose "Update Directory Listings"

To access the Penn GSE Staff Directory

  1. Visit Penn Directory/Penn View
  2. Type "Graduate School of Education" in the "Search Penn Organizations" bar
  3. Choose "Graduate School of Education"

Contact Penn GSE Human Resources

For any questions, concerns, or additional information regarding Human Resources topics, please contact us.


Kate Hellings
Chief People Officer
3440 Market Street, Office 355


Kristine Chin
HR Manager,

Training & Operations


3440 Market Street, Office 353


Olivia Farkas 

HR Manager,

Recruitment & Retention
3440 Market Street, Office 354