Business Office
Welcome to the Business Office! Your one-stop shop for all things financial here at Penn GSE. The Business Office Team handles business and financial transactions for Penn GSE faculty, staff, and students. Specifically, we manage purchasing, reimbursements, and payment processing. We are here to help you. Please reach us by email, phone or by stopping by!
We are located at 3440 Market Street, Suite 370 – on the third floor. You will need your Penn Card to access our suite.
Financial Policies
Budget & Finance
Salary increase pool: EBs (FT, PT and Tuition); tuition & program fee increase; administrative stipend information.
Payroll & Compensation
The GSE Payroll and Compensation team has policies and procedures in place to create consistency in processes and decision-making and to help ensure compliance with legal and regulatory requirements.
Financial Policies
Gift card policy & Greenphire ClinCards; credit card responsibility, travel, Concur approval flows/hierarchy, Qlikview access and reconciliation policy.
Expense Reporting
Access to accounts, spending authority as well as training on access and use of Qlikview will aid in learning about the budgeting process and management of department or programmatic funds.
Booking travel via Concur or with our dedicated World Travel Agents is easy. Learn about the Bank of America Travel card and activating your travel and expense profile in Concur.
Methods of procurement as well as information on University-approved vendors. Learn about shopping through the Penn Marketplace as well as AmazonBusiness. Helpful hints regarding Purchase Order bid waivers and contracts/agreements. Explanations for use of Purchasing Card and Meeting Card.
New Suppliers (Individual and Companies)
In conjunction with Penn GSE HR, information on how to start the process of bringing a non-affiliate on board. Information regarding our limited engagement and independent contractor processes and associated agreements and contracts.
Access to Concur, information regarding petty cash transactions as well as guest travel reimbursements and tax exemption status for the University.
Greenphire ClinCards & Human Subject Payments
Compensating individuals for work on a grant/research project. Helpful hints on how to get started and to answer questions for study participants and processes related to the ClinCard program.
FAQs & Best Practices
GSE’s Travel Policy as well as most common questions/needs. Specialty perks offered by the Business Office.