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Access to Concur, information regarding petty cash transactions as well as guest travel reimbursements and tax exemption status for the University.

Penn Faculty, Staff and Students


Concur, an online travel booking and expense management tool, is available to all staff, faculty and students. In order to access the system and create your expense report, you will need to log in using your PennKey and password. Individuals who are new to Penn (GSE), need to request that their Travel and Expense profiles be active. Complete this initial steps document and check with the Business Office to ensure you have access.

Students should complete this initial steps document and check with the Business Office to ensure your access is set.

Bank of America Travel Card Imported Card Charges

As you use your BOA Travel card, your purchases will import as expense items in your Concur profile. This saves time and administrative steps in completing your expense report reconciliation. As you import your charges, attach receipts and complete missing or additional information, you are well on your way to the easiest possible process in submitting your expense report.

The Bank of America Card application doesn’t go against your personal credit score nor is it reported to credit agencies.

For any charges that are business-related and approved by your manager/supervisor, you should not pay for these directly to Bank of America. Your reconciled report serves as your payment documentation so that Penn can pay Bank of America on your behalf.


Copies, scans or pictures of receipts are acceptable.

Receipts should be collected in any and all circumstances when possible. However, University policy states that purchases under $25 do not required a receipt. For those purchases over the mandated threshold, please be sure receipts include an itemization of expenses, any fees, taxes or tips incurred, along with proof of purchase (document or receipt showing the last four digits of the credit card used and your name). Submitting or uploading a bank statement is not sufficient.

In all situations, any alcohol purchases deemed reimbursable must be itemized.

Please note: receipt requirements on grants may have stricter guidelines than the University mandates.

Missing Receipts

Complete the Missing Receipt Affidavit form via the Concur Expense Management website. This option will only be available for use on expense line items $25 or higher. A step-by-step guide is provided for your use.

For guest travelers or reimbursements through the supplier portal or petty cash, please use the Missing Receipt Affidavit form.

Per Diems (Meal Offset)

Per Diems are an acceptable expense that can be reimbursed under Penn’s policy. Should you choose to claim per diems, you will not be able to submit any receipts for meals during the duration of your trip.

You can access the Per Diem Automatic Itinerary Builder within Concur by following these instructions or alternatively you can check the GSA website:

Once you populate your rates, you can use this guide to adjust your meal rates per day. Please note: if you are attending a conference or event and meals are covered with your registration or attendance fee, you cannot claim per diems for those parts of the day where meals were provided.

TIP: Did you know? You can claim per diem on the first and last travel days of your trip, however, you will be entitled to only 75% of the full day’s rate.

Payment Expectations

Please be aware that once an expense report is submitted to the Concur portal, it is reviewed by three approvers. This can add anywhere from 3-5 days to the processing timelines which doesn’t include funding to your direct deposit funding account or for payments made to Bank on America made on your behalf of reconciling the BOA Travel Card. For these reasons it is most important to reconcile your expenses within 7-10 after returning from your travels.

Making ‘Non-Reimbursable’ Expense Item Payments to Bank of America

Be sure to have your card handy and visit the Payment Center. If visiting the site for the first time, you will need to register your card and create your profile and log on credentials. Once in the system, you can set up a payment from your personal checking account to BOA to make for your non-reimbursable expenses.

More information on items that are non-reimbursable can be found here (reference 2364).

Important! The BOA Travel card is not to be used for personal expenses. Only Penn GSE related business expenses are approved transactions. Please be mindful of your card usage!

Non-Affiliates & Guests

Reimbursement through the Supplier Portal

Please do not collect a W9 form from guests and non-affiliates.

Copies, scans or pictures of receipts are acceptable.

Non-Affiliate Reimbursements are processed using a Non-PO Payment Request via the University's Supplier Portal and will be processed through Accounts Payable. In order to process travel reimbursement requests, non-affiliates need to submit the Guest Travel Worksheet and receipts.

Contact the Penn GSE Business Office
Submission of forms, invoices and requests to compensate or reimburse individuals or companies not on-boarded as PO supplier, and journal transfers and general payment questions.
Submission of forms, invoices and requests to compensate or reimburse individuals or companies who are on-boarded as PO suppliers, and general Purchase Order questions.
Submission of forms and contracts as they pertain to on-boarding new non-affiliates to Penn. 

Leadership Team Contacts

Jason A. Presley
Vice Dean, Finance and Administration

Coral Haas
Business Administrator, Payroll
3440 Market Street, Room 377

Helen Mitchell Sears
Director of Sponsored Programs
3440 Market Street, Room 384

Gregory Tausz
Senior Director of Finance and Facility Management
3700 Walnut Street, Room 221

Ken Zeferes
Assistant Director of Fiscal Operations
3440 Market Street, Room 382

Unrestricted Accounts

Gregory Tausz
Senior Director of Finance and Facility Management
3700 Walnut, Room 221

Ken Zeferes
Assistant Director of Fiscal Operations
3440 Market, Room 382


Sherri King
Financial Administrator
3440 Market, Room 390

Responsible for:
 SMHC, School Leadership, ISTR, Catalyst@Penn, Educational Entrepreneurship, MedEd and CLO Programs, HED, Exec Doc HEM, Mid-Career, PLN, UTR, Support Services

Miriam Harris
Financial Administrator
3440 Market, Room 388

Responsible for:
 Dean’s Office, Development, Business Office, IT, Communications, School Partners (PAS and Lea Schools), APHD

Eric Blanchet
Financial Administrator
3440 Market, Room 389

Responsible for:
 ECS, IEDP, TLL, Ed Policy, QM, ELX, RWL and Student Activities, UTAP


Coral Haas
Business Administrator, Payroll
3440 Market Street, Room 377

Responsible for:
Catalyst, Center for Professional Learning, Center for School Study Councils, Coalition for Educational Equity, Consortium for Policy Research in Education, Educational Linguistics, GSE Registrar, GSE Student Services, Higher Education/AHEAD/Higher Education Management, Education Policy, Human Development & Quantitative Methods, Literacy, Culture and International Education

Anna Reed
Associate Director of Payroll
3440 Market Street, Room 375

Responsible for:
GSE Admissions, GSE Associate Dean/Faculty Affairs, GSE Career and Professional Development, GSE Communications, GSE Dean's Office, GSE Development and Alumni Relations, GSE Development, GSE Films, GSE HR, GSE IT, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership, Education Entrepreneurship, Independent School Teaching Residency, Med Ed & Chief Learning Officer, Mid-Career, School Leadership Program, School Mental Health Counseling, Teacher Education, Urban Teaching Residency

Grant Accounts (Sponsored Programs)

Helen Mitchell Sears
Director of Sponsored Programs
3440 Market, Room 384

Joyce Cook
Assistant Director Grants & Student Financial Aid
3700 Walnut, Room 219

Frank Graham
Pre-Award Grants Manager (Proposal Development)
3440 Market, Room 385

Mike Kelly
Post-Award Grants Manager (Financial Reporting)
3440 Market, Room 381