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Budgets & Expense Reporting

Access to accounts, spending authority, and training on access and use of Qlikview will aid in learning about the budgeting process and management of department or programmatic funds.


Under the direction of The Business Office, Penn GSE budgets and daily spending are tracked through our expense reporting software, Qlikview.

Any staff or faculty position that has financial oversight should have access to Qlikview. Access is given by Sam Frenkel and one of the following forms should be used:

Access & Forms

Qlikview Access and Spending Authority Form

To be used if your accounts are already established and you need to grant access to a new faculty or staff member.

Qlikview New Account or Change Request Form

To be used if there is a request to establish a new unrestricted fund at Penn GSE. This form should be completed in conjunction with Sam Frenkel. If there is a change needed to a budget that has been set up previously, this form should also be used.

It is important to check with your manager/supervisor to see if you need access and if you will have spending authority. Spending Authority gives you the ability to sign off on purchases, payments and invoices under a certain dollar amount threshold. All purchases or requests to pay vendors or individuals should be accompanied by the Budget Approval Form.

If you will be charging against grant dollars, please contact your PI or Helen Mitchell-Sears to ensure that you are able to have access or if the PI has to contact the funding agency to make this exception.


  • Troubleshooting and technical Qlikview questions should be directed to John Irwin (8-2512).
  • Troubleshooting of budgets, expenses, transfers, revenues and other payment questions should be directed to your Business Office contact.

Contact the Penn GSE Business Office
Submission of forms, invoices and requests to compensate or reimburse individuals or companies not on-boarded as PO supplier, and journal transfers and general payment questions.
Submission of forms, invoices and requests to compensate or reimburse individuals or companies who are on-boarded as PO suppliers, and general Purchase Order questions.
Submission of forms and contracts as they pertain to on-boarding new non-affiliates to Penn. 

Leadership Team Contacts

Jason A. Presley
Vice Dean, Finance and Administration

Coral Haas
Business Administrator, Payroll
3440 Market Street, Room 377

Helen Mitchell Sears
Director of Sponsored Programs
3440 Market Street, Room 384

Gregory Tausz
Senior Director of Finance and Facility Management
3700 Walnut Street, Room 221

Ken Zeferes
Assistant Director of Fiscal Operations
3440 Market Street, Room 382

Unrestricted Accounts

Gregory Tausz
Senior Director of Finance and Facility Management
3700 Walnut, Room 221

Ken Zeferes
Assistant Director of Fiscal Operations
3440 Market, Room 382


Sherri King
Financial Administrator
3440 Market, Room 390

Responsible for:
 SMHC, School Leadership, ISTR, Catalyst@Penn, Educational Entrepreneurship, MedEd and CLO Programs, HED, Exec Doc HEM, Mid-Career, PLN, UTR, Support Services

Miriam Harris
Financial Administrator
3440 Market, Room 388

Responsible for:
 Dean’s Office, Development, Business Office, IT, Communications, School Partners (PAS and Lea Schools), APHD

Eric Blanchet
Financial Administrator
3440 Market, Room 389

Responsible for:
 ECS, IEDP, TLL, Ed Policy, QM, ELX, RWL and Student Activities, UTAP


Coral Haas
Business Administrator, Payroll
3440 Market Street, Room 377

Responsible for:
Catalyst, Center for Professional Learning, Center for School Study Councils, Coalition for Educational Equity, Consortium for Policy Research in Education, Educational Linguistics, GSE Registrar, GSE Student Services, Higher Education/AHEAD/Higher Education Management, Education Policy, Human Development & Quantitative Methods, Literacy, Culture and International Education

Anna Reed
Associate Director of Payroll
3440 Market Street, Room 375

Responsible for:
GSE Admissions, GSE Associate Dean/Faculty Affairs, GSE Career and Professional Development, GSE Communications, GSE Dean's Office, GSE Development and Alumni Relations, GSE Development, GSE Films, GSE HR, GSE IT, Teaching, Learning, and Leadership, Education Entrepreneurship, Independent School Teaching Residency, Med Ed & Chief Learning Officer, Mid-Career, School Leadership Program, School Mental Health Counseling, Teacher Education, Urban Teaching Residency

Grant Accounts (Sponsored Programs)

Helen Mitchell Sears
Director of Sponsored Programs
3440 Market, Room 384

Joyce Cook
Assistant Director Grants & Student Financial Aid
3700 Walnut, Room 219

Frank Graham
Pre-Award Grants Manager (Proposal Development)
3440 Market, Room 385

Mike Kelly
Post-Award Grants Manager (Financial Reporting)
3440 Market, Room 381