Student Government
The Graduate School of Education Student Government (GSESG) is the student government organization of the Graduate School of Education at the University of Pennsylvania.
GSESG is a voice for the Penn GSE student body and acts as a liaison with the administration, faculty, and alumni. We are committed to being a source of information, guidance, and service to students. The Student Government is also committed to being open to and supportive of the diversity of Penn GSE’s students and to developing a sense of community among Penn GSE constituents.
GSESG's mission is to encourage and amplify the student voice within Penn GSE's community by questioning, clarifying, and promoting students' academic, professional, and social experiences, needs, and concerns.
- Divisional — Promote events and resources of specific interest to the different Penn GSE divisions.
- Community Service — Promote, host, and fund events that engage Penn GSE students with their community, including community service projects and trips at home and abroad.
- Programming — Promote, host, and fund events that increase student interaction and provide social networking opportunities for students.
- Alumni Affairs — Maintain and facilitate alumni-student interaction and enable access to alumni speakers, mentors, and networking for students.
- Leadership — Gather feedback from the student body and student leaders to identify preferences and needs, as well as create hands-on leadership opportunities and events for students.
- Facilities — Investigate new and best ways to arrange and make use of Penn GSE space and physical resources.
- Scholarship — Work to improve the access to and quality of Penn GSE programs by addressing such issues as course availability, grading policies, and access to productive faculty guidance.
- Diversity — Increase and promote awareness of all aspects of diversity, including but not limited to those of race, ethnicity, gender, cultural, sexual orientation, national origin, or ability.
GSE Student Government Quick Links
- Penn GSE Events Calendar
- GAPSA - Graduate and Professional Student Assembly at the University of Pennsylvania
- Bylaws of the Graduate School of Education Student Government
- Room reservation form
- Budget Request Form (for student organizations)
- Student Group Budget Guidelines
- GSESG Support for Conferences and Research
Student Government FAQs
Who elects the GSESG?
Members of the GSESG are elected by the GSE student body in the early fall of each academic year, though the president,executive vice president, vice president of finance, vice president of communication and social chair are appointed by the outgoing Executive Board in the spring in order to ensure continuity over the summer.
When and where does the GSESG hold meetings?
The full GSESG meets once a month for at least one hour at GSE.
Can I attend a GSESG meeting?
GSESG meetings are generally attended only by its members, but others are welcome to attend with prior notice. GSESG does holds open meetings, however, as well as meetings with Student Organization Leaders, both of which are announced to the student body via email.
Can the GSESG help cover costs for community service projects?
In order to encourage and assist students who would like to coordinate and/or participate in service trips or projects, the GSE Student Government has allocated limited funds to reimburse up to $100 per student per academic year. Go to the Community Service Fund Application and fill out the form.
Can the GSESG help cover costs for me to attend, chair discussions, or present at a conference?
In order to encourage and assist students who would like to attend, chair discussions, or present at professional conferences, GSESG and the Student Affairs Office have allocated limited funds to reimburse conference expenses for students per academic year. Please see the Conference Reimbursement page for more info.
Where does GSESG money go?
There is a pool of funds allocated to each school from students' fees by GAPSA. As in most other grad schools at Penn, the Student Government decides how to spend those funds. It's my understanding that at GSE, our Student Government divides the pool into three equal "pots."
- Funds to support students to attend or present at professional conferences
- Funds to support GSE student organizations
- Funds to build community at the school level, for example, the Taste of the Harvest dinner in November, and the GSE Formal in April.
GAPSA is another source of funding you may wish to consider if your organization serves student populations at Penn other than just GSE. The Graduate and Professional Student Association (GAPSA) is the University-wide government for graduate and professional students, interacting regularly with the President, Provost, Board of Trustees, and other University officials. GAPSA is governed by elected representatives from each of Penn's twelve schools and a student executive board. GAPSA also works with the student governments of individual schools and with other specialized student governments at Penn.
All GSE student organizations are strongly encouraged to collaborate with other GSE student organizations when appropriate.
Contact Penn GSE Student Government
Want to learn more about Penn GSE's student government? Have a question? Send us an email. We look forward to hearing from you!
Graduate School of Education Student Government
3700 Walnut Street
Philadelphia, PA 19104